Free College Workshop

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Ventura County Office of Education (Board Room)
5100 Adolfo Rd. - Camarillo, CA 93012

Free College Workshop

Learn How to Get More Grants & Scholarships!!

Please join us for a FREE Educational College Scholarship and Financial Aid workshop that will focus on college-bound high school sophomores, juniors, and last minute seniors.

This is not a financial seminar; this is a financial course of study where you will leave with the knowledge and confidence to make financial decisions suited to your level of risk and in-line with the goals and objectives you establish.



Retirement University
Ventura County Office of Education (Board Room)
5100 Adolfo Rd.,
Camarillo, CA 93012



Thursday November 7th, 2019
RSVP Code: 30178

Course Objectives

There are new FAFSA timelines that your family needs to be aware of! We will discuss the financial aid eligibility formula and countless other information you need to understand while in high school, to receive the maximum amount of grants, scholarships and financial aid in college! Learn how most families who thought they could never qualify for financial aid based on their high income or high assets can become eligible for aid. Understand cost-effective options to fund college, and how to avoid costly pitfalls without putting a strain on your retirement and the rest of your family finances. In this workshop, you will learn:

  • How to navigate the confusion caused by the recent FAFSA deadline changes
  • How to send your child to an expensive private college for less than a state school
  • How to pick the right schools that will give you the best financial aid packages
  • How the U. S. Department of Education calculates your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and which assets are taken into consideration
  • How to create a plan to pay for college in any economy without relying on 529 plans, expensive private student loans or raiding your retirement accounts
  • How to lower your “out-of-pocket” costs and get the maximum amount of financial aid from each school
  • How to increase your college-related tax deductions and tax credits


The tuition is FREE.

To Register

RSVP Code:30178


Here is what parents like you are saying about our FREE College Funding Workshop…/strong>

“Guessing I’ll gain thousands of dollars of financial aid just from what I learned in the first 30 minutes.”
-Robert T., Parent of High School Junior
“Opened our eyes to look at colleges we thought were out of our price range.”
-John S., Parent of High School Junior
“Extremely informative presentation- clear, concise and easy to understand.”
–Emily W., Parent of High School Senior
“Where were you when I sent my first kid to college?”
Jeffrey W. Parent of High School Sophomore

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  • Free College Workshop

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